Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Suck it Mayans! 2012 Is Gonna Rock!

Happy New Year everyone! I'm not really one to make a big deal about years changing or make New Year's resolutions but this one feels special. 2011 was a big year for us, we bought a new house and moved to a new state (only just over the border, but still). We conceived our precious little one and I lovingly carried her for most of the year. I've had trials and tribulations with taking care of my diabetes while pregnant. I've drawn blood in my fingers 4 times a day for about 5.5 months (that's close to 660 times). I've shot myself with insulin countless times (up to 4 times a day for a while now). I've counted carbs and watched what I ate and felt guilty when I allowed myself to eat more than I should have. I've had more ultrasounds than I can count, which are always fun but also take up lotsa time.

All building up to this year...2012. The year of Baby B! The year that Johnathan and I become parents and change our lives forever. This yearly change feels like it means something, that it's not just another ho-hum rolling of the calendar. Johnathan has a New Year's resolution to be the most awesomest Dad ever, and I have no doubt he'll do it. We're both looking forward to our time in the hospital together, working together to bring Baby B into the world. I feel that his role supporting me is almost as important as my role. And we're especially looking forward to spending time at home after she's here getting to know her and loving her. We both get 3 months off from work and words can't explain how excited we are for that. 2012 MEANS SOMETHING and we're ready for it.

I had an OB appointment today, the normal ultrasound/NST combo. This time they measured her in the ultrasound, and she's measuring approximately 6 lbs 9 ounces which seems to be on track. The sonographer said Baby B's head looked like a normal size, so thank goodness she didn't inherit Johnathan's big noggin. Baby B passed all the tests they threw at her with flying colors, so I think she takes after me with her need to achieve :). Had another cervix check because the NST showed contractions and I'm still softening with 1cm dilation (she said I was 1 cm last time too which was news to me). I have 2 more ultrasounds/NST scheduled, and THEN they're going to induce me the week of Jan. 23rd!!! Don't have a date yet, but I can now plan for that week! Unless Baby B decides to escape early.

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