Thursday, January 19, 2012

Family of Three (soon to be four)

As I mentioned in my last blog, we had a little photoshoot over the weekend, and these are the fantastic results. If you're looking for great work (maternity, newborns, children, etc.), look no further:

Johnathan is quite proud of his bushy beard and has big plans to make it into a bushy mustache. *eye roll* sigh

I think Jericho is finally smiling in this one

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Countdown Begins

  • Last week I went and got a pedicure, choosing a nice shade of pink in honor of Baby B's soon to be arrival. I like to be strategic in when I go to the nail salon in the winter. I like to be able to wear my flip flops so I can leave in my own shoes and not mess up toes. So I picked a day that was in the 60s and it all worked out fine. However, when I go home Johnathan and I were going out and it had started to cool outside so I put on socks and shoes. When we got home later that night, I knew something was wrong. my sock wasn't coming off! Finally the tale was told...both my big toes were ruined. I left it like that for a while, and then decided to just remove the polish from those two toes. I've decided not to have it fixed because I'm cheap to teach infant B a valuable lesson on how we can plan things, but they don't always work out the way we want them to. Good thing I have cute new knee socks for the hospital.
  • Johnathan and I decided that it would be nice to have pictures of our little family of three (talking about our little yorkie poo Jericho as the third), before Baby B came along and made it a family of four. Luckily we have a super talented photographer in the family that is kind enough to help us out whenever we ask. So we dragged ourselves outdoors on a blistery, windy day and soldiered the cold. I think all of our hands were frozen and noses were running by the end. I hope they come out well, I don't really consider myself very photogenic and Jericho was often not looking in the right direction. I'll post some of them once they're available.
  • Had my last OBGYN appointment today, for my last ultrasound and NST. The ultrasound went well, with Baby B being active and cooperative as always. It seems she's rolled over so now her hands and feet are on the right side of my body. But she's still head down. The tech said it doesn't look like she's wanting to come out soon (she's not in the pelvis yet), so it looks like we'll probably make it to our induction date of 1/24. She weighed in at 7 lbs 7 ounces, and the tech said even though it's hard to be exact at this point babies usually come out weighing less than they measure in belly. So Baby B is a very nice, respectable size. The NST went well as always. Although Baby B was being a little peaceful so the nurse said, "Looks like she's asleep, let's buzz her." And before the buzzer could even be used Baby B's heartrate went up and she started moving. I think she knows what that buzzer is all about and said, no thanks I'll pass! My cervix hasn't really changed, so the game plan remains the same. I'll go to the hospital at 7pm on 1/24 where they'll put me on a low does of Pitocin to start me contracting and they'll also give me a sleep aid. The next day they'll up my dose so that real labor starts and at some point on 1/25 Baby B will be here!
  • There are benefits to being induced. I can actually plan my time a little better. I've already scheduled a hair appointment that afternoon to get my hair straightened and a color touch-up. I know it seems silly, but my hair looks like a rats nest if slept on curly and straight hair is more manageable over a longer period of time. I don't want to look like a ragamuffin. Also, they've told me to eat before I go, because they won't let me once I'm at the hospital. I think I've landed on wanting Boston Market. We don't have a lot around, but there is one somewhat near the hospital. I think it should stick to my ribs pretty good.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Baby B's birthday will be...

With the news that Baby B would definitely be here soon, Johnathan and I got our butts in gear. This past weekend the nursery was pulled together: cleaned out, furniture put together (crib, changing table, glider), and rug placed. Although she won't spend that much time in there right away, it's nice to know it's there. There are a few wall decals that we won't to put up, so I'll wait to share pictures until it's complete. We also installed our baby seat in the Honda and had it inspected. The hospital bags are packed with things we could go ahead and pack, just waiting for a few last minute rush to the hospital additions. We also bought the baby swing I had my eye on at a discount because it was a floor display. It didn't have the power cord, but I reached out to Fisher Price and they're going to send me one. Yay!

Had another ultrasound/NST today, we were kinda hoping I'd show up and they would say oh you have to deliver today! We're ready for this little girl to be here! But no such luck. The ultrasound went well, she was moving like she should and she sure is crammed in there. She's still head down and she's now facing the right way, so no back labor for me! She had her hands in front of her face, and gave me a thumbs up at one point. Dr. N and I agreed to an induction date, the evening of Jan. 24th. which puts delivery at some time Jan. 25th. I have to wait for the hospital to verify, but it looks like if Baby B doesn't come sooner, then her birthday will be 1/25/2012.

Due Date: January 30, 2012. 20 more days! However, we'll be induced on January 24th if she doesn't come before then.

Weight Gain: I've gained about 20 lbs.

Symptoms: My back pain has gotten worse and tends to develop even when I'm not sleeping. I think my curses and groans scare Johnathan sometimes. I ran out of my Gaviscon the other night and had awful acid reflux. I had to sleep sitting up the rest of the night and get my airplane pillow so my head wouldn't flop over. Make no mistake, I bought Gaviscon the very next day.

Cravings/Aversions: You know how when you're about to be on vacation your motivation at work flags? Well my diabetes maintenance willpower has started to flag. I'm still doing what I should, but I can feel the call of some bad food more and more. Dr. S wants me to have my a1c tested shortly after I have Baby B and I'm afraid the results may not be very good. I have a list of foods called Freedom Foods that I plan to enjoy after the baby is born. Sorry endorincologist friend who reads this blog! I'll get back to healthy once I've sown my wild oats.

Sleep: Not only do I wake up regularly to go to the bathroom and/or test my blood sugar, but I deal with the acid reflux waking me up and/or just not being able to sleep. Anyone who says catch up on your sleep now, must not remember how hard that can be.

I am loving: Knowing that the end is near and we'll have a beautiful baby soon.

I miss: Pre-pregnancy me

I am looking forward to: January 24th

Best thing about this week: Getting my induction date

Milestones: 2 more weeks to delivery

Movement: Her movements are less kicks and more just moving around. I guess she doesn't have much room to kick or punch.

It's a...: girl!

Heart Burn: Ugh, so much!

Belly button in or out?: Eh, it's a weird hybrid. I will admit to putting band aids on my belly button to keep the poke out down to a minimum :).

Labor signs?: I've started having some Braxton Hicks contractions, I'm 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Suck it Mayans! 2012 Is Gonna Rock!

Happy New Year everyone! I'm not really one to make a big deal about years changing or make New Year's resolutions but this one feels special. 2011 was a big year for us, we bought a new house and moved to a new state (only just over the border, but still). We conceived our precious little one and I lovingly carried her for most of the year. I've had trials and tribulations with taking care of my diabetes while pregnant. I've drawn blood in my fingers 4 times a day for about 5.5 months (that's close to 660 times). I've shot myself with insulin countless times (up to 4 times a day for a while now). I've counted carbs and watched what I ate and felt guilty when I allowed myself to eat more than I should have. I've had more ultrasounds than I can count, which are always fun but also take up lotsa time.

All building up to this year...2012. The year of Baby B! The year that Johnathan and I become parents and change our lives forever. This yearly change feels like it means something, that it's not just another ho-hum rolling of the calendar. Johnathan has a New Year's resolution to be the most awesomest Dad ever, and I have no doubt he'll do it. We're both looking forward to our time in the hospital together, working together to bring Baby B into the world. I feel that his role supporting me is almost as important as my role. And we're especially looking forward to spending time at home after she's here getting to know her and loving her. We both get 3 months off from work and words can't explain how excited we are for that. 2012 MEANS SOMETHING and we're ready for it.

I had an OB appointment today, the normal ultrasound/NST combo. This time they measured her in the ultrasound, and she's measuring approximately 6 lbs 9 ounces which seems to be on track. The sonographer said Baby B's head looked like a normal size, so thank goodness she didn't inherit Johnathan's big noggin. Baby B passed all the tests they threw at her with flying colors, so I think she takes after me with her need to achieve :). Had another cervix check because the NST showed contractions and I'm still softening with 1cm dilation (she said I was 1 cm last time too which was news to me). I have 2 more ultrasounds/NST scheduled, and THEN they're going to induce me the week of Jan. 23rd!!! Don't have a date yet, but I can now plan for that week! Unless Baby B decides to escape early.