Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Baby B's birthday will be...

With the news that Baby B would definitely be here soon, Johnathan and I got our butts in gear. This past weekend the nursery was pulled together: cleaned out, furniture put together (crib, changing table, glider), and rug placed. Although she won't spend that much time in there right away, it's nice to know it's there. There are a few wall decals that we won't to put up, so I'll wait to share pictures until it's complete. We also installed our baby seat in the Honda and had it inspected. The hospital bags are packed with things we could go ahead and pack, just waiting for a few last minute rush to the hospital additions. We also bought the baby swing I had my eye on at a discount because it was a floor display. It didn't have the power cord, but I reached out to Fisher Price and they're going to send me one. Yay!

Had another ultrasound/NST today, we were kinda hoping I'd show up and they would say oh you have to deliver today! We're ready for this little girl to be here! But no such luck. The ultrasound went well, she was moving like she should and she sure is crammed in there. She's still head down and she's now facing the right way, so no back labor for me! She had her hands in front of her face, and gave me a thumbs up at one point. Dr. N and I agreed to an induction date, the evening of Jan. 24th. which puts delivery at some time Jan. 25th. I have to wait for the hospital to verify, but it looks like if Baby B doesn't come sooner, then her birthday will be 1/25/2012.

Due Date: January 30, 2012. 20 more days! However, we'll be induced on January 24th if she doesn't come before then.

Weight Gain: I've gained about 20 lbs.

Symptoms: My back pain has gotten worse and tends to develop even when I'm not sleeping. I think my curses and groans scare Johnathan sometimes. I ran out of my Gaviscon the other night and had awful acid reflux. I had to sleep sitting up the rest of the night and get my airplane pillow so my head wouldn't flop over. Make no mistake, I bought Gaviscon the very next day.

Cravings/Aversions: You know how when you're about to be on vacation your motivation at work flags? Well my diabetes maintenance willpower has started to flag. I'm still doing what I should, but I can feel the call of some bad food more and more. Dr. S wants me to have my a1c tested shortly after I have Baby B and I'm afraid the results may not be very good. I have a list of foods called Freedom Foods that I plan to enjoy after the baby is born. Sorry endorincologist friend who reads this blog! I'll get back to healthy once I've sown my wild oats.

Sleep: Not only do I wake up regularly to go to the bathroom and/or test my blood sugar, but I deal with the acid reflux waking me up and/or just not being able to sleep. Anyone who says catch up on your sleep now, must not remember how hard that can be.

I am loving: Knowing that the end is near and we'll have a beautiful baby soon.

I miss: Pre-pregnancy me

I am looking forward to: January 24th

Best thing about this week: Getting my induction date

Milestones: 2 more weeks to delivery

Movement: Her movements are less kicks and more just moving around. I guess she doesn't have much room to kick or punch.

It's a...: girl!

Heart Burn: Ugh, so much!

Belly button in or out?: Eh, it's a weird hybrid. I will admit to putting band aids on my belly button to keep the poke out down to a minimum :).

Labor signs?: I've started having some Braxton Hicks contractions, I'm 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced

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