When you become pregnant for the first time, you immediately start imagining what your life will be like. Most of the time, you imagine an idyllic scene. The perfect adorable baby, the perfect house, the best marriage, etc. Even if those things aren't realistic, you can't help but imagine them. People can warn you that babies can be difficult, but you won't hear it, not your baby! You struggle to keep a clean house, but once your baby is here that'll change!
And if you're like me and start reading Mommy blogs you see all the other super moms out there who make it all look so easy! Especially with the nursery designs. They have fancy paint schemes, designer gliders, adorable decorations, etc. Although I don't put much effort into design normally, I thought I'd give the nursery a little more effort, within a reasonable budget. I thought I did pretty well for myself.
Then Bonnie arrived and as most mothers can attest to nothing goes to plan. Babies throw a wrench in the works. For example, Bonnie never really cared for her glider, it just didn't seem to help her. Plus whenever she wakes in the middle of the night, you don't want to be sitting straight up when trying to get her back to sleep, because heck you want some sleep too. So we moved a comfy side chair from the living room into her room, that way we can snooze while getting her back to sleep, the glider...not used.
But my biggest example of beautiful nursery plans going awry is the crib. Teething babies have their own ideas about what crib rails are for, mostly as a chew toy. Once Bonnie got her four front teeth she started knawing in the side rails. Simple solution, by some rail covers. Done. But then she started to chew on the back and front rails. Of course I could have then bought the same brand front rail cover as the sides, but I found one that had loops for adding teething toys and I liked that idea. I ordered the same color as the side covers, but of course it wasn't the same shade. Sigh. Now the problem of her chewing the back rail, it's curved, there's nothing I have that can cover it. Solution? A green bandana tied to the back, problem solved. The result? I real world crib set-up. Babies always have the last laugh.
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