Wow, I have no idea why it feels like such a good milestone, but I'm really diggin the fact that Bonnie is 5 months old. It sounds so much more wise and worldly then 4 months old :). Every day she grows into more of herself and it's a joy to watch her. She really is a joyful baby, and a pleasure to raise. All smiles, giggles, and laughter. The other day Johnathan said, "I love her more and more every day! I never thought I could continue loving someone so much after 5 months." Of course it was said tongue in cheek, considering I'm his wife and it had better be!!!! :)
I never did a post on Father's Day, but seeing Johnathan with his daughter warms my heart. He is truely fantastic with her, and demonstrates his love for her every day. I have no doubt that he was born to be a father, and is never more his true self then when he's with her. I feel blessed to have him as my parenting partner and help mate.
I was bad mama this week and didn't take Bonnie's 5 month picture on the actual day, I was a day late...the horror! I've recently started working out a few days a week, and by the time I get home with Bonnie there's hardly any time left before her bedtime. Also, now that I've started feeding her rice cereal, we "practice" eating every night before bed. I say practice because she's still working on getting opening her mouth and swallowing down. With all that, time got away and I completely forgot the pictures until the next day. Oh well, it was bound to happen sometime.
Bonnie Brags
- She's a rolling machine! You lay her on her back, turn your head (cough?!), look back, and she's on her tummy. She also likes to roll over when she's in her little bed that's on our bed. There are many mornings when Johnathan and I have woken up with her having rolled over off her bed and onto Johnathan. She prefers his side. Luckily her bed is also a changing pad, so it has a strap we can use to keep her in place when we need to.
- She loves making noises and chirping and making bubbles and squealing. I can't say for 100% certain, but I think she likes to make mouth farting noises whenever she for real farts.
- She's getting so much better at eating cereal. I can't wait until I feel like she's mastered it so I can give her some of the first baby foods. I want my girl to experience the flavors the world has to offer.
- She's gotten so much better at falling asleep and staying asleep at bed time. I've even had a few nights where she slept almost all night. We're not there just yet, but I can see it on the horizon. Can't wait until we can move her into the nursery, although I'm sure I'll miss her too.
- She has discovered the blinds beside her changing table. Now whenever we change her she attacks the blinds with glee, pulling on them. Johnathan let's her do it because she loves it so much, whereas I pull her hand away a thousand times and say no. The parenting roles are starting to form, haha.
- Johnathan says one morning when they were both awake he watched her playing with a toy and then drop it and start inspecting her hand. She grabbed each little finger as if to count and explore what she had to work with. He loves watching her learn.
- She loves it when I sing to her. Not in the way you might think. If she's in the back seat and I'm in the front singing, I'm not sure she cares about that. But if I'm sitting with her where she can see my face and I'm singing she starts to grin really big. I think she finds it funny to hear mommy make the same sounds she hears in the background.
Tall baby |
Why are you all up in my grill Mommy!? |
Oh wait, what's this!? |
Something new to stick in my mouth, huzzah! |
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