Sunday, February 26, 2012

Happy One Month!

Our little one turned 1 month yesterday. I cannot believe that it's been that long. Time has really flown by! Bonnie is as cute as ever. She sleeps for longer periods at night, but still wakes up quite a bit. We're slowly finding our new norm, but certainly couldn't do it without help. My mother in law has been a great help, and we've gotten a lot of help from Johnathan's father this past week during his visit.

I'm finding new ways to cope with things that were a problem before, like breastfeeding. I'm finding a new rhythm and disposable breast pads have been a life saver. I was SO frustrated before because I was leaking through the pads, but these disposable ones have a plastic backing so I'm not having issues. I think I might just be able to stick this out!

Bonnie still has gas issues, but we're working through it. It's usually in the morning when she gets fussy and gassy, but she calms down a bit if I hold her through it.

She has had a full bath twice now. Each time she didn't cry and seemed to like it, so I'm glad for that. No one wants a screaming baby during bath time.

She's holding her head up now for longer periods of time. It's fun to see her try to look around.

She's getting better at taking a paci, but has also discovered sucking on her thumb/fingers. Honestly, I'll take anything that can soothe her without having to feed her all the time. Plus I was a thumb sucker until I was about 6 and there were no negative results from it. So I'm all for it for Bonnie.

We have another pediatrician appointment tomorrow, so we'll find out how much weight she's gained. I'm guessing she's in the mid 8 lbs by now. Baby girl is gettin heavy!

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