It's been a while since I've posted. Time seems to fly these days. If I ever thought I was busy before having a child, I laugh at my past self. It feels like there's no time for anything these days. Bonnie keeps us pretty busy, what with her getting all grown-up and stuff. She truly is a joy. Such a sweet little soul, who smiles more then she cries. Who likes getting into things with a little twinkle in her eye. Who loves vegetables, and thinks fruit is only so so (not sure where she gets that from). Who does a little jig every time I shake the puff jar. Who twists her ankles in circles like propellers when she gets excited. Who stands and walks around holding onto objects like a champ but becomes a wet leg noodle when she's over it.
Her Papaw, Great Grandmother, and Great Grandfather came to visit from PA this past week. It was a really nice visit, where they got to enjoy a lot of Bonnie time and we got to enjoy a little sleepy time. She's a little charmer, and I'm pretty sure she has a bit of each of their hearts in her little pocket.
Here comes the photo dump!
She loves mum mums |
Bonnie and Papaw |
Bonnie, Great Grandma, and Great Grandpa |
Bonnie with the Erie Turners |
Johnathan with his family |
I'll have you know I was sick that day |
Anything will do for a toy. Socks? Yes, please! |
I'll have you know they were clean |
She's getting so big! And she's even cuter than she was the last time I saw pictures!