Tuesday, November 15, 2011

It's My Pregnancy and I'll Cry If I Want To

The day has just begun and it's already a rotten stinking day. I received an email from my endocrinologist overnight advising me to start taking insulin at lunch. I already take it at breakfast, dinner, and bedtime. I knew it would eventually happen at lunch too. As the pregnancy progresses it's normal to have to increase insulin intake. However, I didn't think that it was necessary yet. Yes, my blood sugars at lunch had been rising but they weren't over my limit of 130 yet. I guess he didn't like that they were going up, so now I have to take a shot then too.

It has gotten SO hard to take my shots. Half the time they hurt. Half the time they bleed. It takes all the willpower I have to just make my hand stab myself and hope it doesn't hurt. Three times a day was enough for me. Not only that, but it means I have to carry a needle with me every time I walk out of the house for a meal.

I know deep down it's my fault that I'm diabetic. I ate myself into this situation. Even though it's hereditary I could have held it off for longer. So at the end of the day, feeling sorry for myself shouldn't really be allowed. But I can't help it. I do feel sorry for myself. This sucks! I'll say it again, this sucks! That is all. *slight sobbing was involved in the writing of this blog*

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