a.k.a- pregnancy brain, mommy brain, pregnancy amnesia, momnesia
Whatever you want to call it, I've got it! When you get pregnant you convince yourself that surely not every pregnant "issue" will strike you. Morning sickness, hope not. Swollen ankles, likely. Heartburn, there's a hot chance. Embarrassing "other" issues, probably. But pregnancy brain!? Ha, I laugh in the face of such accusations. I'm a smart lady, in fact I make sure Johnathan knows that on the regular (could be because he hates it...I'm just sayin). I'm sure there was even a small part of me that thought my brain power was just strong enough, that any deficit caused by pregnancy would go unnoticed by the general public (my adoring fans?). WRONG! In fact, my adoring husband notices and laughs at it daily (serves me right).
It started out with small things. I couldn't pull a word out of my head fast enough, so the silence (often on conference calls) would stretch past comfortable limits. Or I didn't see something that was in plain view (where's that dang remote?! Oh, on that completely empty dinner tray right in front of my face!?). Johnathan: "Babe, what did I ask you to remind me to do the other day?" Wendy: "What other day?"
But as of yesterday, I've reached a new low. I was watching TV, when a commercial came on. A lovely scene of crops covered in snow. Farmers walking around picking various vegetables while snow drifts down around them. Oh look peppers! Wow! This is idyllic! Who knew that veggies could grow in the winter snow!? I felt a small thrill at the beauty of it all. Has science taken us into a future where genetically altered veggies grow year round?
It takes until the very end of the commercial when the product is announced for me to realize that this isn't real! That veggies don't grow and aren't harvested in the snow. It's a Birds Eye frozen vegetable commercial: "It's Always Vegetable Season"
Now who's craving vegetables!? #pregnancycravings
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