My advice to those who are pregnant for the first time, ENJOY it! I know your body is going crazy, doesn't feel like yours, and you may be uncomfortable all the time you're not going to get to experience this in the same way ever again. There's the obvious things like seeing your baby for the first time, or feeling the baby move for the first time and those things are amazing! But you can also still function like a truly independent person. Go to the movies when you want, go to the grocery store alone, eat at fancy restaurants, etc. Second pregnancy, no such luck. I remember when I was pregnant with Bonnie, I wouldn't have even tried to crawl around on the floor to do something, hello! I was pregnant. This time around, I would get on my hands and knees every day looking for Bonnie's dropped paci under her crib. I regularly lifted 20 plus pounds of weight, didn't sleep in, didn't lay around with my feet up... you get the picture.
You know what else hasn't happened yet? A put together nursery. Oh we've picked out a color for the walls, and we have a crib. But there is a no paint on those walls and that crib is in pieces in the sun room. Have I ordered the wall decals? No. I figure those things will happen eventually, probably when Johnathan's dad visits several weeks after the baby is born. With pregnancy number 2, you know a few more things. Like that your baby won't see the inside of their room for any length of time for months and months, so what's the rush?! We have a bed for her that will be in our room, and that is put together. We have sleepers for her to wear (hand me downs from Bonnie, which were hand me downs from her cousin), we have diapers to put her in, I have the ability to feed her...she'll be okay. You don't obsess as much the second time around, probably because you just don't have time to.
This little one has definitely had a different journey then Bonnie, and my body has reacted differently. I wasn't nearly as sick during the first trimester, which is one reason why I was sure we were having a boy. I got big and pregnant a lot earlier, but that didn't bother me because I love the freedom of pregnant belly. The foods I crave or can't stand have changed (no eggs please!). I developed an iron deficiency this time around. They say it's common when you have two pregnancies close together, but that was no fun before I started taking supplements. Also, I've had to take a lot less mealtime insulin this time around. It could be because I'm taking more Metformin (pills) but I don't care, it's been so nice to only have to give myself a shot twice a day instead of four times. We haven't gotten a good ultrasound pick of baby #2 since about 18 weeks, whereas with Bonnie it felt like she was posing each and every time. A lot less hiccups from this baby, whereas Bonnie had them every day. Johnathan thinks my humor has increased with this one, and he says it's much more like maybe she'll take after him? I know one thing for sure, she got his head! Her head has been measuring 2 weeks ahead for about a month now, which as you can imagine, makes me so excited for her exit.
So here we are at 38 weeks, and this little one will be born (unless she decides to come early) on Tuesday, May 7th, less then a week away. We're being induced early like last time. So into the hospital Monday night with all the serious work taking place Tuesday. We're so excited to meet her and see how similar and different she is from Bonnie.
I wish we could have prepared Bonnie a little more about what's going to happen in her life, but at 15 months she doesn't understand the concept of sister or that she won't be the center of attention anymore. It makes me sad for her. But she's a great kid, and I have faith that she'll take it in stride.
I'll report back once she's here... in the meantime I've got some cleaning to do!
Several weeks ago, but you get the point |