Friday, March 8, 2013

One Year Stats

For whatever reason I've been super lazy about posting a one year update for Bonnie...umm she's 13 months now. I guess I was feeling uninspired. Today I read another blog with a cute little recap and thought I could get behind that. So here's her one year stats:

Age: 13 months
Stats: 29.5 inches (75th percentile), 20 lbs 13 oz (50th percentile)

Favorite Foods: green beans, peas, mashed potatoes, noodles, cheerios  blueberries, pretzels, squeeze pouches (non-meat flavors)

Favorite Words: Up, Dada, Shoe, Sock, More, Doggie, I love you (which sounds more like Iiiiii YOU). Admittedly some of these words are shortened versions, but we understand
Favorite Toys: Fisher-Price Click & Learn Remote, Fisher-Price Laugh & Learn Say Please Tea Set, VTech - Rhyme and Discover Book, Fisher-Price games on our iPhones, riding fire truck, and pretty much any random thing laying around
Favorite Activities: Bath time, putting things to her ear like it's a phone and saying "hello", waving to people, chasing Jericho or Murphy (in-laws dog) for kisses, dancing when the right music is on, nodding her head to Macklemore, escaping the living room at a run when we leave a door or gate open, throwing food to Jericho at dinner time, handing out shoes and slippers to the appropriate person, and putting beads/headbands around her neck

Least Favorite Activities: Going to the doctor, eating meat, and being put in her play pen (unless she has just woken up)
Nicknames: Booboo
Signature Moves: Blowing kisses, waving, and leaning her body forward with hands behind her walking away in her "you're chasing me but I want to be caught" move
Mom's Proudest Moment: When she was little, cutting the smallest tip of her thumb off while cutting her nails. It bled a lot so we took her to the urgent care where they just wrapped her arm up (no bandaids for babies) and sent us on our way.
Dad's Proudest Moment: The moment I turned my back for what seemed seconds and she littered the living room with an entire box of Kleenex tissues. Standing there with her spoils in hand staring at me, smiling as if she's saying, "I'm smarter than you and now you know it."

She honestly grows and learns new things every single day. It's nearly impossible to keep up/track. The best we can do at this point is support her and try to aid in her learning. Talking to her normally, trying to teach her the words to things, and trying to get food in her because that girl is PICKY!

We've been working on bedtime separation. She always gets held to sleep, and we can usually lay her down once she's asleep. But we've had spells lately where she'd wake up and cry. We've started letting her cry it out when that happens and it's been pretty successful, she'll only cry a few minutes now. My next move (hopefully in April) is to give her her bottle and then lay her down while she is still awake. I'm trying to get to a point where putting her to bed takes less time, because with baby #2 on the way we won't have time for that. I'm sure they'll be more crying, but it's time.

That's it for now! Be on the lookout for a pregnancy post soon (I'm really behind on those too).

Bonnie Through the Year!